Our Story
NFR Beef
All of our beef is Gluten Free we use no Hormones, Steroids, Chemicals or any other Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) in the production of the Natural Range Free Grassfed Angus Beef Cattle. We know healthy cattle will provide superior meat. Proper nutrition is top priority. Absolutely Gluten Free, NO by-products, NO grain, NO hormones, NO antibiotics, NO chemical additives, and NO steroids are used by us. NO chemicals, NO colorants, and NO irradiation is ever used in the processing of our Natural Free Range Certified Grassfed Beef. All cattle are minimally processed by our local USDA Processing Facility.
We’re dedicated to providing natural high quality tender, flavorful beef for our family and neighbors. After numerous requests to purchase our beef we are now offering it to the public. Our policy is to start with the best genetics and provide a stress-free natural environment, clean water, rotational grazing on lush, free range native grasses, and lots of fresh air; just the way God intended.
AWA & AGA Grassfed Beef Producer

Our Story
Why Grassfed?
NFR Beef is committed to providing our customers with great tasting, fresh, healthful, sustainably and humanely raised natural 100% Certified grass fed and 100% Certified grass finished beef.
Studies show that when cattle are raised humanely on grass they produce beef that is more nutritious. Cattle are ruminants — they are designed to eat grass, not grain. We raise cattle following the animal’s natural appetite and desire for free grazing.
NFR Beef embraces a mission of grazing cattle in their natural habitat (lush green pastures) and allowing them to feast on their native diet of grass. This mission, coupled with gentle and respectful humane handling of their livestock, results in healthier, stress free animals who produce a more wholesome product that is locally grown, healthier for the consumer, and better for the environment.Pasture centered or grass fed means that the calves are born in a field, spend their lives grazing, and don’t know what it’s like to have their movement restricted. They do what cows do best: roam and forage.Our cattle are Angus, they thrive in our environment, resulting in the high quality beef available.
Our cows are harvested by a USDA inspected facility that follows all regulations, ensuring humane treatment at slaughter. We use only USDA Facilities because their quality control is second to none and we prefer to support local businesses.The USDA grades beef based on the fat content of the cuts, or marbling. Grass fed beef has considerably less fat than conventionally raised beef, which means that the very best grass fed beef available in the market place.
NFR Beef Supplied Cattle for Private Label
NFR Beef can supply Certified Grassfed and Certified Grassfed Beef for your business. NFR Beef specializes in supplying companies with all cuts of beef for your Subscription Box Service, Restaurants, Super Markets, Specialty Meat Markets, Jerky Company, Distribution, Bone Broth and similar type business. NFR Beef Products can be “Private Labeled” (Labeled as Your Own Brand) by your company and sold/marketed as their own. Please feel free to email us for further information.